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- Bernie using basketball to explain eclipse physics to newspaper reporter, October 14, 2023
- Big crowd gathered on UNC-A campus for the partial solar eclipse October 14, 2023
- Setting up for “Pop-up” star gaze, Tanbark Overlook on the Blue Ridge Parkway, September 3, 2023
- Setting up at Mt. Pisgah “Pop-up” star gaze, August 17, 2023
- Alan instructing Ken at Mt. Pisgah “Pop-up” star gaze, August 17, 2023.
- Docents Alex Parker, Kai Tilly, and Drew Griffith at Lookout Observatory star gaze, June 10, 2023
- Knox Worde at the Asheville Maker Faire, May 7, 2022
- Observing pads at GMO, before star gaze, June 19, 2022
- Bird’s eye view of GMO before star gaze, June 19, 2022
- Bernie at Lookout Observatory, holding Astronomy League plaque for Best Webmaster National Award September 15, 2023
- Alan Davis at Tanbark Overlook “Pop-up” observing event, September 3, 2023
- Isaac Dickson Elementary School third graders and their parents learning about our star at solar viewing March 23, 2023
- Isaac Dickson Elementary School third graders and their parents learning about our star at solar viewing March 23, 2023
- Isaac Dickson Elementary School third graders and their parents learning about our star at solar viewing March 23, 2023
- Simren Patel, 2020-2021 Carolyn Keefe Scholarship recipient and Lookout Observatory docent, at Lookout Observatory following the 2021 Commencement ceremony
- Corey McAllister, 2018-2019 Carolyn Keefe Scholarship recipient and Lookout Observatory docent, at Lookout Observatory following the 2021 Commencement ceremony
- Jose Manuel Bautista, Knox Worde, and Bernie Arghiere at Carolina Day School, April 10, 2019
- Bernie Arghiere holding up the sun for future astronomers at Carolina Day School, April 10, 2019.
- Knox with solar scopes at Outdoor Gearfest, March 23, 2019
- Knox explaining solar activity at Outdoor Gearfest, March 23, 2019
- Dominic showing visitors our sun through solar filters, Asheville Science Festival, March 31, 2018
- Knox showing visitors our sun through solar filters, Asheville Science Festival, March 31, 2018
- Dominic explaining sunspots to future astronomers, Asheville Science Festival, March 31, 2018
- Jim with telescope, fitted with solar filter, at Asheville Science Festival, March 31, 2018
- A mob and clear skies at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Club outreach at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- The crowd at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- At the June 2012 Venus Transit
- At the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Butch and Jim at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Knox linking up his laptop image at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Butch at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Laura & Bernie sharing the view at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Tim & Jim at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Cori & Joan at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Jim enjoying the view at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Tim sharing the view at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Binocular view of the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Jim’s off-axis view at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Solar shades at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Jenny sharing the view with a future astronomer at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Bernie sharing the view at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Nancy & Mike Byer at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Bernie, Leslie & Joan at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- The line at Tim’s telescope at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Jim & Laura at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- 5 club members setting up at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Butch, Jim & Jeremy at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Bernie sharing the view with Jim through the club’s H-Alpha solar telescope at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Sandie & Jim at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- Is that really Venus I’m seeing on the face of the Sun?
- Tim sharing the unique view of Venus on the Sun at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- The view at the June 2012 Venus Transit
- 1997 Bays Mtn. Starfest
- 1997 Bays Mtn. Starfest
- 2000 Bays Mtn. Starfest
- 1998 Bays Mtn. Starfest
- Callie at the 8-inch Clark Refractor at Bays Mtn. Observatory
- David Levy (3rd from left) and Bernie (at David’s telescope) in Bolivia (2005)
- Group at Mt. Pisgah in 2008
- Late club VP, John Chappell , at Mt. Pisgah
- Tim with CG-11 telescope
- Nancy and Butch setting up at the Mt. Pisgah observing site
- Tim and Jim at Mt. Pisgah
- Nancy at a very frosty star gaze
- Setting up at the Mt. Pisgah observing site
- Group at PARI telescope workshop
- John at the PARI telescope workshop
- Bernie with young astronomers at PARI telescope workshop
- 3 future astro-physicists at PARI telescope workshop
- PARI telescope workshop
- Group at PARI with radio telescope
- Public outreach at Pack Square > solar (H-alpha) observing
- Bernie at Pack Square solar observing with an H-alpha filter
- Tim, Monty & Jim setting up at UNC-Asheville Reuter Center